Grats to Joku for wining the Series and Grats to Race Green Autosports *i suppose* for winning the Team Championship ?
The race was remarkably well except the start ... Got squeezed and spun but i am not angry at the drivers . Afterwards it was just a race to catch D-Sis and was getting near him but then i started losing and went to flip Litro :P And Basically that is my race xD And again grats to the Champion and to Rony for organising this Series .
I had a pretty good quali (well , for a rookie like me ;P) but race was just poop... And also I still can't figure out how was i doing +6 seconds(from normal race pace which i suppose is around 1:33.0 - 1:31.0) times with race set <.< Probably damage but I am sure Rony saw me hit the wall on Lap 2